About Us

With over 30 years of experience in NYC as Architects, Contractors, and Business Owners, we understand the unique barriers found in the residential and commercial renovation industry. With limited resources available, many projects start off with unrealistic schedules and budgets. This leaves business owners and architects redesigning and raising funds long after drawings are produced, and leases are signed. As seasoned builders in NYC, we are sharing our internal budgeting process as a free web-based tool to help you calculate realistic budgets from the start!

Our Goal

To offer New Yorkers access to accurately & independently budget the cost and timing for interior renovation projects

Our Values


Providing you with the most accurate information, timely updates, and a custom & reliable report.


Allowing you access to unbiased facts and data to independently make renovation decisions.


Arming you with helpful and comprehensive guidance in a convenient and easily accessible tool.

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